loopbio blog

Motif Version 4.5 - New Features

Written on Tuesday August 28, 2018

Following the last release we have continued to add features and improvements to our Motif software. This post includes a short overview of some hightlights, while a full list of changes is provided on our website.

Each and every Motif system receives automatic updates without any extra charge.

Increased Support for Environmental Sensors

We have improved our support for environmental sensors from Phidgets greatly. This means that you can simply connect any one of their 'VINT' series sensors to a Motif system and you can now take sensor recordings automatically, at several different sample rates. Phidgets offer an enormous variety of sensors which can be used to measure various parameters of your experiment while recording video, including;

compatible sensors

A selection of compatible sensors

Because we record to our extensible and open imgstore format, all sensor recordings are immediately associated with both the time and framenumber of the video being recorded.

Controlling Outputs

In addition to measuring environmental sensors, we added the ability to switch on or off supported Phidgets outputs, relays and motors. Using our open API you can now, for example, perform tasks like the following

  • control experimental stimuli at regular or scheduled times
  • control physical devices such as motors, servos or actuators
  • switch on/off LEDs, lights or other stimuli
  • schedule tasks for before or after recording has been completed, such as automated feeding or cleaning procedures

Improved Integration with Loopy

Following on from above, if you have a recording with environmental data associated, this will be immediately visible in Loopy after the imgstore has been uploading or imported.

environmental readings showing in loopy

Graphing and export of environmental data associated with a recording is displayed in Loopy

Automatic Import

If you are running an on-site version of Loopy, your Motif and Loopy systems can be configured to allow automatic import of recordings after the completion of your experiment. This feature is especially advantageous when both systems are integrated with your IT infrastructure because all video and experimental data is automatically added to your shared and backed-up network storage without risk of deletion or loss.

loopy integration

Simply enter you Loopy username and your recording will be automatically backed up and imported

Further descriptions of the powerful integrations between Motif and Loopy will be the subject of a future blog post.

New Alignment Visualization

The last motif release added a number of image feedback augmentations to help with setting up your cameras and experimental assays. This release added a new visualization designed to help with alignment of samples inside the experimental apparatus, or to help align multiple cameras in a multiple-camera situation.

alignment feedback

The center of the image is indicated, in addition to concentric bands respecting the aspect ration of the camera sensor.

Interested in Motif?

Motif is the first video and camera recording system designed for the experiments of modern scientists. It supports single and multiple synchronized camera scenarios, remote operation, high framerate and unlimited duration recording. It is always updated and has no single-user or other usage limitations.

If you are interested in a Motif system, please contact us for a quote or to see how Motif can solve your video recording needs.